Starta Arta member

While walking through my life I am overwhelmed by visions in which the world as seen and known begins to dematerialize and the underlying spatial relationships disappear. My work is an investigation of my observation of reality and the distorted perception I have of that reality. I suggest that reality and perception are two sides of the same coin in the way they interweave and coexist; as perception arises uniquely for each individual who is observing part of reality. The work is a negotiation between structure (vessel) and surface (fluid space), where the structure is the static and analytic (rational) component and the painted surface is the energetic and spontaneous (expressionist) component. Through the use of hyper-colorful, shining, and overwhelming abstract arrangements, I depict and investigate the distorted perception of the reality around me, aiming to express my feelings and daydreams through work that wants to be felt, walked in front of, stared at, and dwelt on, rather than merely be illustrative.

My artistic and intellectual practice is characterized by the co-existence of some aesthetic traits and structural methods using visual codes present in some of the modernist movements of the 20th century. My work is on one side structural, geometrical, architectonic, intellectual, binding logic and calculation, like the work of Russian and European Constructivism, Concrete Art, and Supremacism; but on the other hand, it is also organic rather than geometrical, emotional rather than intellectual, decorative rather than structural, spontaneous rather than calculated, like the work of Abstract Expressionism, Color Field and Lyrical Abstraction movements. These 2 sides existing in my painting complement each other and summarize pictorial and structural elements present in a number of abstract art movements of the past. 

With my painting I seek to reinstate the primacy of form and color as formal elements in works composed according to aesthetic principles. My work is about the individual perception of reality obtained through visual meditation. I do not want to add noise in a world already so disturbingly loud. I want to add pleasant sounds, a music which helps to relax, meditate, and find strength to continue to live. The need for positive emotions in the world today has never been greater. My work surely cannot change the world, but just wants to create a visionary space where the viewer can live in and be dazed by unpredictable optical effects.